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Title: Cost of Capital in the Energy Sector, in Emerging Markets, the Case of a Dollarized Economy
Authors: Cabrera Barbecho, Fanny Narcisa
Naula Sigua, Freddy Benjamin
Aguilar Feijo, Victor Gerardo
metadata.dc.ucuenca.correspondencia: Naula Sigua, Freddy Benjamin, fbenjamin.naulas@ucuenca.edu.ec
Keywords: Emerging markets
Energy sector
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatiamplio: 5. Ciencias Sociales
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatidetallado: 5.2.4 Dirección de Empresas
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatiespecifico: 5.2 Economía y Negocios
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescoamplio: 04 - Administración, Negocios y Legislación
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescodetallado: 0412 - Finanzas, Banca y Seguros
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescoespecifico: 041 - Negocios y Administración
Issue Date: 2024
metadata.dc.ucuenca.volumen: Volumen 17, número 19
metadata.dc.source: Energies
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.3390/es17194782
metadata.dc.type: ARTÍCULO
This article estimates the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for the energy sector in Ecuador, a country with a dollarized economy and illiquid stock markets. Thus, reference companies in the region were taken, and at the same time combined with characteristics of national companies, establishing a useful methodology, which makes sense with the acceptable discount rates in the Ecuadorian economy. For the above, four estimation alternatives were used. In method one, the traditional WACC formula was applied using interest rates and risk premiums from the U.S. market, which resulted in an overestimation due to the double penalty of the country risk and the U.S. market premium. Method two adjusted the market risk premium to consider only the Ecuador-specific risk premium, thus avoiding the double penalty. In method three, the credit default swap (CDS) was used to calculate the country risk premium, and the CDS was excluded from the nominal interest rate, avoiding redundancies. Finally, method four combined the U.S. interest rate with the CDS directly to calculate the market risk premium, more accurately reflecting local economic conditions in a dollarized economy. The WACC results range from 12.63% to 29.70%. In addition, a dummy variable was controlled for during the pandemic period. This article highlights the need for methodologies adapted to emerging markets, since traditional approaches would overestimate the WACC.
URI: https://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/123456789/45608
metadata.dc.ucuenca.urifuente: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/17/19
ISSN: 1996-1073
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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