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Title: Using a statistical efficiency methodology for predictors’ selection in the bedload transport problem: a high gradient experimental channel case
Authors: Cisneros Espinosa, Felipe Eduardo Francisco
Carrillo Serrano, Veronica Margarita
Timbe Castro, Luis Manuel
Mendoza, Daniel E.
Petrie, John
Matovelle Carrillo, Pedro Andres
Torres Flores, Sebastian Eugenio
Pacheco Tobar, Esteban Alonso
metadata.dc.ucuenca.correspondencia: Carrillo Serrano, Veronica Margarita, veronica.carrillo@ucuenca.edu.ec
Keywords: Best predictors
Bedload transport
Laboratory experiments
High gradient
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatiamplio: 1. Ciencias Naturales y Exactas
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatidetallado: 1.5.10 Recursos Hídricos
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatiespecifico: 1.5 Ciencias de la Tierra y el Ambiente
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescoamplio: 05 - Ciencias Físicas, Ciencias Naturales, Matemáticas y Estadísticas
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescodetallado: 0521 - Ciencias Ambientales
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescoespecifico: 052 - Medio Ambiente
Issue Date: 2021
metadata.dc.ucuenca.volumen: Volumen 61, número 8
metadata.dc.source: Alexandria Engineering Journal
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1016/j.aej.2021.11.052
metadata.dc.type: ARTÍCULO
Bedload transport rates for high-gradient gravel bed rivers has been studied through a physical model that replicated the typical features of these channels. A stepwise regression was performed to identify the best predictors from a set of independent variables. As independent variables channel slope, the ratio of area occupied by large particles to the total plan area, flow discharge, mean flow depth, mean flow velocity, water surface velocity, boundary shear stress, and shear velocity were considered. Different characteristic diameters (d16, d50, d84, and d90) were used to nondimensionalize the variables as well as to test the influence of grain size. A linear and a potential model were obtained for each characteristic diameter. Based on the correlation coefficients (R2) with the data used to build the models, the d50 and d84 linear and potential models were selected to perform further analysis. A set of independent data was used to verify the selected models. Better performance was observed for the potential models with 96% of the data falling within ½ order of the magnitude bands both for d50 and d84. R2 for the d50 and d84 potential models were 0.63 and 0.76, respectively. Therefore, the d84 potential model can be selected as the present study representative model.
URI: http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/123456789/37991
metadata.dc.ucuenca.urifuente: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/alexandria-engineering-journal
ISSN: 11100168
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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