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Título : Indoor Environmental Quality In Preschool Buildings In an Andean City In Ecuador
Autor: Ochoa Aviles, Angelica Maria
Escandon Dutan, Samuel Adrian
Ochoa Aviles, Maria Cristina
Correspondencia: Ochoa Aviles, Angelica Maria, angelica.ochoa@ucuenca.edu.ec
Palabras clave : Building pathologies
Environmental illnesses
Hygrothermal conditions
Indoor environment
Área de conocimiento FRASCATI amplio: 2. Ingeniería y Tecnología
Área de conocimiento FRASCATI detallado: 2.6.1 Ingeniería Médica
Área de conocimiento FRASCATI específico: 2.6 Ingeniería Médica
Área de conocimiento UNESCO amplio: 07 - Ingeniería, Industria y Construcción
ÁArea de conocimiento UNESCO detallado: 0732 - Construcción e Ingeniería Civil
Área de conocimiento UNESCO específico: 073 - Arquitectura y Construcción
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Volumen: Volumen 19, número 1
Fuente: Journal of Green Building
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.3992/jgb.19.1.177
Indoor environmental quality has been associated with the health and wellbeing of building occupants; nevertheless, there is limited evidence in this regard for Latin American schools. This research aimed to characterize indoor environmental quality in public and private preschools in an Andean city in Ecuador. Data collection com-prised onsite monitoring for the thermal-humidity microclimate of 90 classrooms in 30 preschools in Cuenca-Ecuador (March-August 2018). Infrared thermography and direct observation were applied to determine dampness. Classrooms seemed to be inadequate thermal-humidity microclimates; only a few maintained a comfortable temperature (6%) and relative humidity (11%) throughout the shift. When compar-ing public and private schools, in private schools, temperatures below the comfort range (61.3% in private schools vs 31.4% in public schools, p<0.001) and relative humidity measures above the comfort range were more frequent (74.3% in private schools vs. 58.6% in public schools, p<0.001). Hollow blocks were the primary construction material in private and public schools. Sixty-four per cent of private schools operated in adaptive, reused buildings, vs 19% in public schools (p<0.05). Infrared thermography confirmed dampness in 26% (n=23) of the classrooms in the covering structures indoors (15% in public vs 33% in private schools, p<0.05). This research reveals the urgent need to develop specific regulations and control mechanisms for building sustainable and healthy environments for preschools in Ecuador.
URI : https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85185667926&doi=10.3992%2fjgb.19.1.177&origin=inward&txGid=8c5fdefffc4c30d98ac28a313c6a8850
URI Fuente: https://meridian.allenpress.com/jgb/issue/19/1
ISSN : 1552-6100
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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