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Título : An Approach to Experiment Reproducibility Through MLOps and Semantic Web Technologies
Autor: Seaman Mora, Daniel Andres
Saquicela Galarza, Victor Hugo
Palacio Baus, Kenneth Samuel
Peñafiel Mora, David Marcelo
Correspondencia: Seaman Mora, Daniel Andres, daniel.seama@ucuenca.edu.ec
Palabras clave : Experiment
Machine learning
Semantic Web
Área de conocimiento FRASCATI amplio: 2. Ingeniería y Tecnología
Área de conocimiento FRASCATI detallado: 2.2.4 Ingeniería de La Comunicación y de Sistemas
Área de conocimiento FRASCATI específico: 2.2 Ingenierias Eléctrica, Electrónica e Información
Área de conocimiento UNESCO amplio: 06 - Información y Comunicación (TIC)
ÁArea de conocimiento UNESCO detallado: 0613 - Software y Desarrollo y Análisis de Aplicativos
Área de conocimiento UNESCO específico: 061 - Información y Comunicación (TIC)
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Fecha de fin de embargo: 31-dic-2050
Volumen: Volumen 0
Fuente: XLIX Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI)
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1109/CLEI60451.2023.10346140
Editor: IEEE
La Paz
This article addresses the challenge of reproducing machine learning (ML) experiments by integrating processes based on MLOps and semantic technologies. The inherent complexity of experimentation in scientific research hinders reproducibility through conventional methods, which has led to the need to automate processes. In this work, a solution has been developed allowing the execution of ML experiments of other researchers and their reproducibility. The use of semantic technologies allows the complete description of the experiment, including the data and resources necessary for its execution. The approach proposed in this work contributes to the automation of the experimentation phases based on MLOps, demonstrating how it can be used to reproduce experiments and offer a solution to the complexity of experimentation in scientific research. The effectiveness of the solution proposed in this work is evaluated by means of a survey-based analysis carried out among researchers who currently use manual processes to perform machine learning experiments. The results indicate that manual processing is prone to errors and not scalable regarding the size and complexity of most experiments. Moreover, the solution proposed in this work, which combines MLOps-based processes and semantic technologies, has been well received by researchers and considered to significantly improve the efficiency, reproducibility, and scalability of machine learning experimentation.
URI : http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/123456789/44127
URI Fuente: https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.wdg.biblio.udg.mx:8443/xpl/conhome/10346085/proceeding
ISBN : 979-8-3503-1887-6
ISSN : 2771-5752
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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