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Título : How pair work helps develop speaking and listening skills
Autor: Pinos, Mariana
Vargas, Patricia
Director(es): Youman, Katherine
Palabras clave : Enseñanza Del Ingles
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Paginación: 58 páginas
Código Interno : TLI;309
Tipo: bachelorThesis
Resumen : 
This Tesina is entitled ow pair work helps develop speaking and listening skills Our main objective is to do pair work activities to reinforce the activities of the book Our World Through English based on Collaborative Learning. The esina consists of theoretical, practical part and results of the application. The first chapter is about the theory that supports pair work activities as a way of oral communication. The practical part has three parts. The first part is about the method we used to apply the activities. The second part mentions 5 types of activities according to Peter Watcyn-Jones. The third part describes the reinforcement activities for the first five units of the book Our World Through English. The last chapter focuses on the application based on the first unit of the book that we did in the 8th level of Técnico Sígsig High School . Also, it contains the results of the Survey and Observation techniques that were used to support this project. We gave a survey to the students and teachers to find out information about their opinions about pair work activities. Also, we observed the students when they were working in pairs, practicing speaking and listening skills. In the part of appendices , we can find material for the 5 reinforcement units. Also, we have pictures and tape-scripts for the listening part along with the observation chart and the teachers and students survey about pair work.
Grado Académico: 
Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación en la Especialización de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa
URI : http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/123456789/2112
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis de Pregrado

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