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Título : Capital punishment in the United States diferent
Autor: Zhunio Malla, Jeaneth Lorena
Director(es): Ochoa Maldonado, Genner
Palabras clave : Aprendizaje
Enseñanza Del Ingles
Fecha de publicación : 2006
Paginación: 364 páginas
Código Interno : TLI;172
Tipo: bachelorThesis
Resumen : 
Capital punishment, also referred to as death penalty, the legal sentence of death, creates great polemical in all sectors of society because human lives are in play. Proponents say that it is a deterrent and retributive effect, but opponents proclaim that it is a barbaric act and try to declare it unconstitutional. They consider that society and government should look for new alternatives to stop crime. Today in the United States, capital punishment is an integral part of the criminal justice system and is ordinarily enacted for heinous crimes such as murder.Capital punishment, also referred to as death penalty, the legal sentence of death, creates great polemical in all sectors of society because human lives are in play. Proponents say that it is a deterrent and retributive effect, but opponents proclaim that it is a barbaric act and try to declare it unconstitutional. They consider that society and government should look for new alternatives to stop crime. today in the United States, capital punishment is an integral part of the criminal justice system and is ordinarily enacted for heinous crimes such as murder
Grado Académico: 
Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación en la Especialización de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa
URI : http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/123456789/15975
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis de Pregrado

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