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Title: Nature-based social interventions for people experiencing loneliness: the rationale and overview of the RECETAS project
Authors: Garcia Velez, Gabriela Elizabeth
Keywords: Intervention studies
Nature-based social prescribing
Program planning
Social connectedness
Health-related quality of life
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatiamplio: 2. Ingeniería y Tecnología
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatidetallado: 2.1.2 Ingeniería Arquitectónica
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatiespecifico: 2.1 Ingeniería Civil
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescoamplio: 07 - Ingeniería, Industria y Construcción
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescodetallado: 0731 - Arquitectura y Urbanismo
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescoespecifico: 073 - Arquitectura y Construcción
Issue Date: 2024
metadata.dc.ucuenca.volumen: Volumen 0, número 0
metadata.dc.source: Cities and Health
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1080/23748834.2023.2300207
metadata.dc.type: ARTÍCULO
Loneliness is a major social concern with health consequences worldwide for populations across different demographic, cultural, social, economic, geographic, and environmental contexts. In March 2021, we launched Horizon 2020 European Commission-funded project, ‘Reimagining Environments for Connection and Engagement: Testing Actions for Social Prescribing in Natural Spaces (RECETAS)’ to reduce loneliness and promote health-related quality of life. In this paper, we present the project logic model, informed by stakeholder input, that aims to guide the initiative from its design and implementation to its evaluation in six cities across three continents, including Europe (Barcelona, Helsinki, Marseille, Prague), Australia (Melbourne), and South America (Cuenca). This model is being used to guide the implementation and evaluation of nature-based social prescribing interventions. Process and outcome measures will be used to compare outcomes in different settings and population contexts. The use of a logic model with stakeholder input ensures that the interventions are responsive to local needs, sustainable, and transferable to other geographic, social, economic, and cultural contexts. Knowledge translation will be central to maximising impacts on population health, civil society, and health and social systems in urban areas.
URI: http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/123456789/44161
metadata.dc.ucuenca.urifuente: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/rcah20
ISSN: 2374-8834
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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