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Title: Key ingredients in an IoT recipe: fog computing, cloud computing, and more fog computing
Authors: Serral Gracià, René
Nemirovsky, Mario
Montero Banegas, Diego Teodoro
Yannuzzi,, Marcelo
Milito, Rodolfo A.
Keywords: Handover
Mobile nodes
Cloud computing
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatiamplio: 2. Ingeniería y Tecnología
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatidetallado: 2.2.4 Ingeniería de La Comunicación y de Sistemas
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientofrascatiespecifico: 2.2 Ingenierias Eléctrica, Electrónica e Información
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescoamplio: 06 - Información y Comunicación (TIC)
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescodetallado: 0612 - Base de Datos, Diseno y Administración de Redes
metadata.dc.ucuenca.areaconocimientounescoespecifico: 061 - Información y Comunicación (TIC)
Issue Date: 2014
metadata.dc.ucuenca.volumen: Volumen 0
metadata.dc.source: IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1109/CAMAD.2014.7033259
Publisher: IEEE
This paper examines some of the most promising and challenging scenarios in IoT, and shows why current compute and storage models confined to data centers will not be able to meet the requirements of many of the applications foreseen for those scenarios. Our analysis is particularly centered on three interrelated requirements: 1) mobility; 2) reliable control and actuation; and 3) scalability, especially, in IoT scenarios that span large geographical areas and require real-time decisions based on data analytics. Based on our analysis, we expose the reasons why Fog Computing is the natural platform for IoT, and discuss the unavoidable interplay of the Fog and the Cloud in the coming years. In the process, we review some of the technologies that will require considerable advances in order to support the applications that the IoT market will demand.
URI: http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/123456789/37100
metadata.dc.ucuenca.urifuente: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/7016297/proceeding
ISBN: 978-1-4799-5725-5
ISSN: 0000-0000
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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