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Title: Testing-based conceptual schema validation in a model- Driven environment
Authors: Granda Juca, María Fernanda
metadata.dc.ucuenca.correspondencia: Granda, M.F.; Department of Information Systems and Computation, Universitat Politécnica de ValénciaSpain
metadata.dc.ucuenca.nombrerevista: 2013 Doctoral Consortium of the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering CAiSE 2013
Keywords: Conceptual Schemas
Early Testing
Model-Driven Development
Validation & Verification
Issue Date: 21-Jun-2013
metadata.dc.ucuenca.embargoend: 1-Jan-2022
metadata.dc.ucuenca.volumen: 1001
metadata.dc.source: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Publisher: CEUR-WS
metadata.dc.type: Article
In Model-Driven Development, the main artefacts are conceptual schemas, and efforts are focused on their creation, testing and evolution at different levels of abstraction through transformations. If a conceptual schema has defects, these are passed on to the following stages, including coding. Therefore, techniques for improving the quality of conceptual schemas must be implemented to assure the correct generation of final software products. One of the challenges in Model-Driven Development is being able to identify defects early on, at the level of conceptual schemas, as this would help reduce development costs and improve software quality. In this research proposal we suggest an approach for testing-based conceptual schema validation in order to improve quality.
URI: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-84922110363&partnerID=40&md5=2e62856f4df27437303c5bb8a2632bef
ISSN: 16130073
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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