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Title: Using videos to reinforce the learning of english vocabulary in sixth grade B of Manuel Muñoz Cueva School
Authors: Quishpe, Freddy
Villa, Paul
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Youman, Ion
Keywords: Enseñanza Del Ingles
Issue Date: 2011
metadata.dc.ucuenca.paginacion: 45 páginas
Series/Report no.: TLI;297
metadata.dc.type: bachelorThesis
Learning a foreign language is very important. English is the language of communication all over the world, and it is considered to be an important language in our country. Unfortunately, most of the students of the sixth B of Manuel Muñoz Cueva School don t like English. We believed that this was due to the lack of resources used; they felt unmotivated to learn English. This work is focused on the use of didactical videos, which motivate the students during the learning of new vocabulary. Through the realization of this project, we proved that didactical videos create a participative environment through the respective research, experimentation and application of certain techniques. We applied didactical videos to demonstrate that videos reinforce the learning of English vocabulary in the children of the sixth B of the previously mentioned school. In addition, we proposed some strategies to teach English, and ultimately created a more entertaining environment. We based our ideas on the Cognitivist Perspective and on the Silent Way method, which focus on listening, and accurately speaking, to teach English vocabulary. The experimentation gave us very good results, so we created two surveys in order to collect data. Moreover, we gave the students a written test to verify the success of the experiment. We reached our goals successfully through the presentation and the editing of didactical videos. At the conclusion of the application of the project, we were able to confirm that children learn English vocabulary more effectively through the use of videos.
Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación de la Especialización de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa
URI: http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/123456789/2099
Appears in Collections:Tesis de Pregrado

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